The term adhesion is derived from the Latin word adhaerere (in English "adhere").
adhesive force
Air gap
In the technical sense, an air gap describes an area in the iron core of an electromagnet that is often filled with air.
AlNiCo is a material used for the production of magnets. It consists of aluminum, nickel and cobalt.
AlNiCo magnets are permanent magnets based on an aluminum-nickel-copper alloy. Additionaly parts of metals such iron, copper or titanium are added to the alloy.
Attraction and repulsion of a magnet
Tiny circulating currents at the atomic level are responsible for a permanent magnet exerting a magnetic force. It is so strong, even with small magnets, that you can clearly feel it.
Barkhausen effect
The Barkhausen effect describes the discontinuous change in the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials that are in a constantly changing, external magnetic field.
Bloch Walls
The Bloch walls form a transition between the Weiss domains with their differently aligned electron spins.
Coating of magnets
Magnets are often coated. There are several ways to do this.
The magnetic coercive field strength is the magnetic field strength that is necessary to completely demagnetize a ferromagnetic substance.
Components of a magnet
The components of a magnet tell you something about adhesion.
Curie constant
The Curie constant can be used to determine the magnetic attraction of a substance as a function of temperature.
Curie temperature
The temperature at which a ferromagnetic becomes paramagnetic is called the Curie temperature.
Demagnetise permanent magnet
Bodies made of ferromagnetic materials are not only attracted by magnets, but can also experience magnetization themselves when they are touched.
Diamagnetism, together with para and ferromagnetism, describes various magnetic properties of matter.
The magnetization parallel to the diameter is called diametral magnetization.
A single charge that emits an electric field is called a monopoly. In contrast, a dipole is understood to mean the physical arrangement of two opposite charges (positive and negative).
Classical electrodynamics deals with moving electric charges as well as the associated electric and magnetic fields.
Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces of physics and has been intensively researched since its discovery by the physicist Oersted and later Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell.
Electron spin
Electrons are negatively charged elementary particles. In addition to their mass and their electrical charge, they have a third important property: the electron spin.
Elementary magnets
The elementary magnets in a magnetisable body such as iron ensure the magnetisability that we are so familiar with.
Energy product
The energy product results from the magnetic flux density and the magnetic field strength of a magnet.
Exchange interaction
The phenomenon of the quantum mechanical exchange interaction explains how the particles inside the atom behave.
Ferri- and antiferromagnetism
Ferrimagnetism and antiferromagnetism are two magnetic properties of materials. Unlike antiferromagnetic materials, ferrimagnetic materials are strongly attracted to a magnetic field.
Ferrite magnets are easily recognized by their black color. Most people know them from school, where they are used, for example, as classic blackboard magnets.
Field lines
In physics, magnetic lines are the lines that graphically represent the course of a magnetic field and thus the force and properties of a magnet.
Gauss is still considered one of the most important German scholars and mathematicians. With his main work "Disquisitiones arithmeticae" he laid the foundation for modern number theory.
Gauss unit
The Gauss unit indicates the magnetic flux density. It was named after the well-known mathematician Johann Friedrich Gauss.
Hall probes
Devices that can be used to measure magnetic fields are called Hall probes or Hall sensors.
What exactly is hysteresis? – The effect of hysteresis simply explained
Iron core
As additional components in current-carrying induction coils and transformers, iron cores can increase the voltage.
Lines of force
Magnetic lines of force - according to the dictionary also field lines or magnetic field lines - are linear structures that depict the flow within a magnetic field.
Magnets are an integral part of our everyday life. You come across us in various shapes, colors or sizes and are used for very different purposes.
Magnet demagnetize temperature
With the help of external influences such as temperature increases or shocks, it is possible to demagnetize magnets.
Magnet material
In our encyclopedia you will find an overview of all available magnetic materials.
Magnet production
In this post, you will learn all the necessary steps for producing magnets.
Magnetic energy
Every magnetic field contains energy, also called magnetic energy. She is a constant in physics.
Magnetic field
If magnetic forces are detected, the cause is a so-called magnetic field.
Magnetic flux density
According to the definition, the magnetic flux density refers to the density of the field lines.
Magnetic Influence
By definition, magnetic induction describes a phenomenon in which an external magnetic field acts on a body and magnetizes it for a certain period of time.
Magnetic moment
A magnetic moment, also known as a magnetic dipole moment or magnetic torque, is a unit that describes the strength of a dipole.
Magnetic north pole
The magnetic north pole is located where the magnetic field lines of the earth's magnetic field enter the earth's interior vertically to the earth's surface and is therefore not on the geographic north pole.
Magnetic polarization
Magnetic polarization is a physical quantity. It relates to the electrodynamics of macroscopic matter and characterizes the magnetic flux density of a magnetic material in a vacuum when the magnetic field contribution is subtracted.
Magnetic saturation
The maximum possible magnetization of a material is called saturation magnetization.
Magnetic shielding
Magnetic shielding describes a process in which a magnetic field is excluded from a specific area by deliberately redirecting its field lines.
Magnetic substances
The fascinating world of magnetic fields permeates all materials in our environment.
Magnetic tension
In electrodynamics, the term magnetic tension or magnetic flux is to be understood as a measure that describes the exciting force of the magnetic field strength.
In general, magnetism is understood to be an invisible physical force that acts on matter.
The magnetization makes material that was not magnetic before, magnetic.
Magnetization direction - How are the magnets magnetized?
On which sides are the poles on? Where are the magnetic poles, or how are the different magnets magnetized?
Maxwell equations
Maxwell's equations combine all valid formulas for magnetic fields in one theory.
The following rule applies in physics: A magnet always consists of a north and a south pole. Two opposite charges form a so-called dipole moment.
Once there are multiple charge distributions, it's a multipole
NdFeB is a material used to make magnets. The material consists of neodymium, iron and boron.
Neel temperature
When an antiferromagnet reaches its transition temperature, it becomes a paramagnet. The Néel temperature describes the phenomenon.
NdFeB is a material used to make magnets. The material consists of neodymium, iron and boron.
Nikola Tesla
Physicist and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla made many groundbreaking inventions. More in the dictionary!
North pole and south pole of magnets
These are the respective ends, which are also collectively called magnetic poles. Both a magnetic north pole and a magnetic south pole are also present in the earth's magnetic field.
The oersted unit is used to measure magnetic fields.
Operating temperature
The maximum temperature a magnet can withstand before it loses its magnetic properties.
Substances associated with paramagnetism require an external magnetic field for magnetization.
Pauli principle
The Pauli principle - also called "Pauli ban" and "Paul's exclusion principle" - is a law of physics.
Permanent magnet
A permanent magnet is a material from which a magnetic force always emanates.
According to the definition, the magnetic permeability is a physical unit that has the symbol µ. It is similar to susceptibility and indicates how permeable a material is to magnetic flux density.
Physical properties of neodymium magnets
You can find the physical properties of neodymium magnets in our dictionary!
Plus and minus poles of magnets
Fixed colors are assigned to the plus and minus poles of a magnet to make them easier to identify. The positive pole of a magnet is marked red and the negative pole green.
The quality or magnetic quality is an indicator for the energy content of a magnet.
Reinforce magnets
Magnets can be reinforced in different ways. For example, you can increase the number of magnets used and combine their magnetic fields into a stronger field.
The term magnetic remanence – or remanence flux density – refers to the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material after the external magnetic field has been switched off.
Right-hand rule
The right-hand rule (or three-finger rule) is an aid that illustrates vectors within a three-dimensional coordinate system.
Ring magnets can be made of ferrite or neodymium or NdFeB (neodymium-iron-boron) and, like most magnets, have a nickel-plated coating to protect against oxidation.
Samarium Cobalt Magnets
Samarium cobalt (SmCo) enables strong permanent magnets with high energy density and high operating temperatures.
Santoprene ®
Plastics can be divided into different types depending on their nature. The most important distinguishing criteria include formability, hardness, elasticity, breaking strength as well as temperature and heat resistance.
Samarium cobalt (SmCo) enables strong permanent magnets with high energy density and high operating temperature.
In physics, the own angular momentum of individual particles is called "spin" (in English "rotation"). This is a quantum mechanical theory.
The ohmic resistance of a superconductor is zero.
The word susceptibility comes from the Latin: susceptibilitas ‘for transferability’ and describes a physical quantity without unit, with which the magnetizability of matter within the magnetic flux density can be specified.
Tesla (unit)
Tesla is a unit of magnetic flux density.
Weiß' districts
In magnetism, Weiß' districts (or Weiß areas) are delimited areas with the same polarization.