Magnetic fishing for the big catch - magnetic fishing the new trend sport?
You need a hook in order to fish? Not necessarily. With the new trend sport, magnetic fishing, you can do that without traditional fishing equipment. This is because the prey in the "treasure hunt" differs significantly from the conventional fishing. Magnetic fishing is therefore even suitable for animal lovers and people who do not like to eat fish. And with a bit of luck, you will pull real treasures like coins or militaria out of the water.
But what does the term magnet fishing mean, what equipment do you need and what should you watch out for when you go in search of sunken treasures in water? And is magnet fishing allowed in Germany?
What is magnetic fishing?
When it comes to magnet fishing, the name says it all. Because instead of using a conventional fishing line and fishing hook, magnetic fishermen use lines to which powerful magnets are attached. These are magnets with a high adhesive force. They are often also referred to as recovery magnets, search magnets, super magnets or neodymium magnets.
In contrast to the probers, who also have to buy a metal detector, the magnet anglers get their equipment relatively inexpensively.
Of course, fish cannot be caught this way. But that's not what passionate magnet anglers are after. Instead of live prey, they are after metal objects and objects that will eventually sink into the water. The main prize: Hidden treasures such as old coins, militaria* or other valuables.
However, the chance that you, as a magnet angler, will eventually salvage a treasure chest filled to the brim from the floods is slim. Apart from that, the range of possible booty pieces or objects on the recovery magnet is large. It ranges from rusty nails and old bicycles to historical objects from the Second World War - for example badges. Every now and then, magnetic fishermen also retrieve a safe from the depths. Unfortunately, such a small safe is rarely full to bursting.
The highlight of the matter is the surprise effect. After all, with magnet fishing you never know what you will get out of the water - unlike with conventional fishing. Because while anglers are usually informed about which fish are in a certain body of water, no statement can be made in advance about lost metal objects.
The media recently reported on a magnet angler who had fished pistols, batons and a small safe out of a river. The surprise is not always pleasant. Sometimes extreme caution is required and it is better to call the explosive ordnance disposal service. Since the magnet angler can rarely see exactly what he has on the hook from his position, one or the other find looks like a grenade. Here it is better to give a "false" alarm.
Curious? Then don't make the mistake of attaching a household magnet to a piece of string and throwing out the line at the next river. Because when it comes to magnet fishing, there are a number of things to consider so that the hobby is really fun and you don't come into conflict with water owners, environmentalists or officials. This includes:
- the right equipment (e.g. neodymium magnet or recovery magnet with high adhesive force)
- appropriate location
- the legal general conditions
- environmental concerns
Technique also plays a role in magnet fishing, especially when it comes to casting. It is therefore advisable to inform yourself in advance. So the chances are good that you will soon find magnet fishing in your heart as an exciting hobby.
*Militaria are historical artifacts related to the military, uniforms, lore, and war. In addition to the military in the narrower sense, objects from other uniformed state organizations also fall under militaria.
The right equipment for magnet fishing
You don't need much for magnet fishing. However, a few pieces of equipment are indispensable. This includes:
- a magnet
- a rope
- a transport box
Performance is a key criterion, especially when selecting the magnet. Magnets, such as those used on refrigerators, bulletin boards or fly screens, are not very suitable for pulling heavy objects out of the water. Instead, so-called neodymium magnets are used for magnet fishing. These are also called super or recovery magnets and are able to pull several hundred kilos behind them. While probers also need a metal detector, magnet anglers can do without one.
If you want to buy a neodymium magnet for fishing, pay attention to the following:
- The traction: the higher, the better? Only to a certain degree. Because if your magnet sticks to an object that weighs a few hundred kilos, you have no chance of pulling it out of the water. In addition, in this case you have to dive to save your magnet. Therefore, a pulling force of up to 150 kilograms is usually completely sufficient. Magnets with a convincing adhesive force are also called search magnets or super magnets.
- The size: Many neodymium magnets for magnet fishing are around 70-100mm. Here more is actually a little better, because the larger the contact surface, the larger it is. Matching magnets can be found here.
You also get square and round magnets. In practice, however, the shape is of secondary importance. Some advanced magnet fishers take magnets of different sizes with them when they pursue their hobby. Beginners can do without this for the time being. Nevertheless, it may be interesting for you to browse a bit here to find your favourite.
If you bought a magnet, you need a rope. A normal fishing line is not an option when magnet fishing. After all, the pulling forces here are much higher than with conventional fishing. Instead, a rope is used.
Consider the following criteria when choosing:
- The traction: As with the magnet, the pulling force is also important with the rope. Because only if this is high enough are you able to successfully pull the magnet out of the water with your prey - without the rope tearing.
- Lenght: A length of 15 to 20 meters is perfectly sufficient for magnet fishing. If the rope is even longer, handling is difficult - not least if you want to stow the rope neatly in your vehicle after fishing and take it home with you.
- Diameter: When it comes to diameter, too much is more of a disadvantage. In principle, it should not be more than 10 mm. Otherwise there is a risk that the rope will become unnecessarily heavy when fishing because it will soak up large amounts of water.
Magnet fishing ropes are made of different materials. Polypropylene is widespread. This has the advantage that it does not absorb water.
Finally, we recommend taking suitable containers for transporting the loot. Which of these are available depends primarily on the vehicle you are traveling with - whether by car, moped or bicycle. When choosing, keep in mind that many items that magnet fishermen pull out of the water weigh quite a bit. And even 20 meter long ropes are not lightweight, especially when they are soaked with water.
Your basic equipment is complete with rope, magnet and transport box. However, to ensure that fishing is really fun, we advise you to also attach importance to the appropriate clothing. This includes gloves that protect your hands from chafing ropes. Waterproof pants make it more comfortable to take a few steps in the water if necessary. And if you are magnet fishing for hours in midsummer, think of a sunscreen.
Some magnetic fishermen also have a throw hook or an underwater camera in their luggage. Magnet anglers are often also so-called probers and also have a metal detector as equipment. Magnetic anglers, on the other hand, do not need a metal detector.
What do you need to learn about magnet fishing?
Basic fishing knowledge
Since magnet fishing has little in common with conventional fishing, it is tempting for beginners to spontaneously go out and “throw out” their magnet. In fact, it makes more sense to acquire a certain amount of know-how beforehand. This includes basic fishing knowledge. One reason for this is that magnetic fishing can have a negative effect on the biological balance in water bodies, especially during spawning season. There are also places where magnet fishers cause significant damage to flora and fauna. Finally, a number of relevant regulations apply to both anglers chasing fish and those using a magnet to pull metal objects out of the water.
Many good reasons to deal with the knowledge that is tested in the fishing test in advance.
The ejection
Before you cast your magnet, make sure there are no anglers, boats or animals nearby that could endanger you. Also, be on the lookout for objects your magnet could get caught on. These include, for example, planking or pillars made of metal. There is also a risk here that the magnet will dock when it is pulled out of the water. Unlocking it again is often anything but easy.
Then tie one end of the rope securely to the shore. Fence pillars, trees or similar objects are suitable for this. But be careful: do not attach the rope to your belt or simply fix it with your foot. This brings with it the risk of losing the rope and magnet. In addition, accidents and injuries caused by the jerk during ejection are possible consequences.
It usually takes some time to find out how much momentum is best for casting your "rod" when using magnet fishing. In any case, remember to remove any small pieces of metal that get caught on the magnet before each new cast.
Where is caution required when magnet fishing?
As already indicated, there are several places where special care should be taken when magnet fishing. These include those where many people are traveling - above or below water. Potential obstacles or objects on which the rope and magnet could get caught are also a good reason to look for another location. Finally, there are bodies of water where fishing of any kind is not permitted for nature conservation reasons or which are privately owned.
Legal framework for magnet fishing
Many people who are dealing with the subject of magnet fishing for the first time wonder whether this hobby is even allowed in Germany. When answering this question, you can use the following points as a guide:
- Basically, magnet fishing is not forbidden in Germany.
- However, state law is decisive in this case. For example, magnet fishing may not be permitted in your federal state for reasons of monument protection.
To be on the safe side, find out about the relevant laws and regulations beforehand. Asking questions is often a good idea, for example at a police station. In this way you avoid nasty surprises and can be completely relaxed when you go in search of hidden treasures.
By the way: The police are also the first point of contact when you retrieve items such as weapons, ammunition or suspected stolen goods from the water. This applies to "modern" weapons as well as those from the World War II.
Choosing the location for magnet fishing
Caution is advised when magnet fishing from private property. Avoid them or ask the owner's permission beforehand - if possible. You should also avoid casting your line in harbors or in waters that belong to a fishery. But legal requirements are not the only criteria that are decisive when looking for a place. Because the right place basically determines the success of magnet fishing. A few basic tips will help with your search:
- The chances of success are often higher in cities than in the countryside, but fishing in rural areas is more tranquil.
- Recently cleaned river sections and areas around newly built bridges are not very promising.
- In places where there are many people in the water, you should refrain from magnet fishing for safety reasons.
Use modern tools like Google Maps to get an impression of different places in advance. This way you avoid disappointment.
Environmental protection in magnet fishing
Magnets bring a number of dangers to the underwater world. Therefore, if possible, do not fish in overgrown regions directly on the bank, in order to protect the soil and plants. It is also advisable to know about spawning times.
Finally, you must properly dispose of your prey after fishing, no matter what it is. Simply throwing an old bicycle lock back into the water is not an option.
How do you behave as a magnet fisherman?
Magnet fishing is a relatively new phenomenon. Accordingly, magnet fishing arouses a great deal of curiosity and sometimes suspicion among passers-by. The same applies to representatives of competent authorities. It is all the more important to behave appropriately as a magnet angler (or/and detectorist). That means:
- Be considerate of people, nature and property. If you feel like you are bothering someone, find another location.
- Respond openly and friendly to questions, even if this is sometimes difficult.
- Comply with all legal regulations.
The more you follow these tips, the higher the chances that you will be able to practice your new hobby undisturbed. If this is not the case, the only thing left to do is to pack up the equipment and start the journey home.
Conclusion: magnetic fishing - a new trend sport
Often smiled at in the beginning, magnet fishing has now developed into a real trend sport that more and more people in cities and in the country are practicing. Magnet anglers have also pulled a whole series of spectacular finds out of the water in recent years. However, this is rather the exception. As with other sports - and not only there - the journey is the goal in magnet fishing.
If you take this into account, you can have a lot of fun searching for lost treasures (badges, coins, militaria) and experience one or the other adventure. A prerequisite for this is suitable equipment. What should not be missing is a magnet with sufficient adhesive force. So a neodymium magnet, which is also often referred to as a recovery magnet, super magnet or search magnet.
It is available for little money and ensures that the magnet fishing goes without major incidents. Magnet anglers don't need a metal detector. Detectors who also have a metal detector in their kit will have to pay more for a metal detector.
In addition, it is advisable to acquire a little basic fishing knowledge beforehand and to inquire about the legal regulations in your own state. Then all that remains is to look for a suitable spot and have patience – known to be the most important fishing virtue of all.